Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lime and Da Coconut

So I've just realized that staying up til 3 in the morning because you can't think of anything else to do is just not the best idea. Anyways, I'm just sitting here on my couch, drinkin' Diet Coke a la Lime and pondering life... actually I'm watching Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour and iJustine at the same time, but hey, I'm still drinkin' my Coke!
It's times like these when I don't wonder why my dad is constantly p.o'ed because I stay up too late. It's just not a good idea.
Other food items beside me include a lemon meringue yogurt, and a spoon.
Also the book 'Borderline' by Allan Stratton. I'm reading it as part of a Reading Program at my school, and it's not bad so far, it's about a kid who's father is a suspected terrorist. Pretty cool beans.
Speaking if beans, I am writing a play/musical/script about jellybeans. Actually it's based on a story I wrote in Grade 3 but I thought it was amazing so I decided just a couple days ago to transform it. It used to be called 'Jenny the Janitor and the Jumping Jellybeans' now it is called 'Jelly' and I know you are all so jelly of me for being this artsy.
Seeing as I don't have the guts to risk security and go to uni for acting or something else zany like that (I'm almost positive I'm going for science), I have decided to live vicariously through this blog, and my Youtube, and Twitter, and whatever other social network/talent spreader I happen to come across in the next few weeks/years.

Update on my life:
Not bad, I just saw the 'Off The Map' season finale, pretty whack. I love Tommy Fuller and Charlie as conformist as that is I don't care.

Anyway, my favourite song of the moment is 'Dress and Tie' by Charlene Kaye and Darren Criss, I totally just put it on right now. But anyways I'm gonna put it below so you can see how amazingly cool it is. I'm also loving some of Charlene's other songs and some stuff by Freelance Whales, one of the band members is coincidentally related to Darren Criss so that's pretty chills.

Since Criminal Minds : SB is waiting I thought I'd just end this now and be done with it. Expect a post soon, on whatever else is occ- awkward moment when the song you're listening to pauses to load and you lose your train of thought, too much silence- back to the point, whatever else is occurring in my life at the moment, you'll know.
Stay posted to my Twitter, in the side bar there's a link, and visit my Youtube at:

See yas later?

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