Monday, January 3, 2011

Pretty Little Liars: A Follow-Me and Recap.

8 minutes and counting...
 whenever i see the promo for the PLL premiere, i always think hanna is swearing when it beeps out A's name. how about you?

2 minutes and counting...
Declan from Degrassi is hot..Degrassi is too dramatic though.

And Action!
first off,A looks too fat to be mona

hanna going in on a stretcher...tense man tense
and mona acts bitch
ooh noel...maybe he knows who A is...dramaaa

After first commercial break
emily's okay
awww lucas!!! my loveee
yay hanna's alright
geez a lot of damage! :(
its not toby!! i knew it all along.
where did lucas go? i want to seee more of him.

melissa is being nice? this is touching. im beginning to like melissa..eww ian is gross, i dont like him.
i like melissas hair . and if i could black out the camp mona i woulf defs keep that sweater

Hanna's awake!!!
doesnt hannas mom know that killing people is illegal
again a mention of lucas, my day just gets better.

oohh 'i see you' ezra is hotness. ian harding owns.

I love how emily's dad came back. and breakfast is broken.

noel!? thats not true!!! what's going on!!! mona has to be A
but it makes sense as to why A was big. Mona is too skinny..they better not have just changed it around. i will sue them.

After 2nd break.
tense, secrets coming out...ooh
its def not noel..better not be
he's lyinggg
i bet you mona got him to spy on aria, but mona hit hanna

i seriously love emily's dad!!! and her mom reminds me of my friends mom, looks-wise

sleeping hanna's lie...and have nightmares.
i bet its lucas
geez mona, you bitch.
you should feel guilty!!! i hate chu!
mona has a weird look on her face.
cuz evrybody needs to look good at the hospital! woww
hanna's got game.

i love aria's bed!

ooh who is it!!!
im saying lucas...
ahh!!! i love him, he and hanna need to get together
hes sooo cute!
he can kiss my forehead anytime! ;)

...ive decided you already know what im thinking, but overall
i absolutely love lucas, i think sean is nice, but lucas is the underdog, and i love underdogs. Like seriously all my guy friends except for like one, are slightly goofy geeky guys. I have a soft spot for them. Plus they are way nicer than other guys...sometimes.
I know A is Mona, it has to be. And i don't like Noel any more, not that i really every liked him that much.I can't believe Melissa got married, i'm a little hazy on the books, it's been a while since i read them. The fact that A wrote on Hanna's cast makes me sure it's Mona.
Overall...again...i'm super-excited for the next episode, and i hope i see more Lucas.
Who's your favourite PLL guy? your least favourite? and who do you think A is? (If you haven't read the books and don't already know)
I think Emily's parents were surprised that she was gay but i also think they will get over it because they realize it's who she is and they should love her anyway.

Til next time,

Pretty Little Liars

So as most of you know, Pretty Little Liars begins again tonight (8ET/9PT) and im excited. I thoughtr i'd tell you this now since i want tpo give you a warning, but throughout the episode i will be writing a post on whats happening..see the episode or it wont make sense. Plus i will be tweeting so read my tweets fools. It will show my recent tweets and a link to my page in the side bar so check it out.
also check out my blogbuddy larysa at because she will maybe post one (awaiting confirmation) and also she has witty and amazing posts. Lary if youre reading this:youre cool, but im cooler
"Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water."

— Eleanor Roosevelt

The Edible Woman.Food For Thought.

I think the title is quite clever, I take pleasure in the small victories.

More to the point, I recently read The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood for a school project, and i was delighted by it. I was wary of it, thinking that a book  by Margaret Atwood would be to deep to be entertaining. This book, however, was light enough to be entertaining but also had some deep and thoughtful parts that educated you well on the points of feminism and equality in the 60s in Canada, and essentially everywhere. Marian (the main character) finds herself losing control of herself, unable to eat food because she feels she is eating herself (hence 'the edible woman'). Turning rice into little cocoons, and sponge cake into little pairs of lungs. Her problems with eating also reference to problems with her boyfriend, Peter. She feels he is objectifying her. In Canada, at that time, woman didn't work as high up as men, and this is evident throughout the novel, especially when Marian describes the big wigs/exec's at her work being only men. Margaret Atwood brings up the subject of equality, and spearheads it. She is to the point, and it shows how we tend to conform to society whether it is right or not. For instance when her roommate, Ainsley, wants to get pregnant, without the obligation of a father, we realize how she is highlighting the undependability of men.

I think this book is a great study of feminism and the importance woman have in our society. Next time you think you are getting sick of society, realize it's better than it was a while ago, and, hopefully, it will only get better.