Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Eclipse, Finales, and NCIS

So as you as you all must know, Twilight Saga: Eclipse came out on Wednesday last week. Yes I saw it, yes I liked it. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Well here's the thing, in the books, its no doubt Edward, but in the movie? Let's just say I'm more of a Taylor Lautner person. Sorry Roberto but he seems a bit less... well, creepy I guess. I mean you're not bad or anything, just not really normal enough for me, sorry. All that said, I do have to say it was a great movie, though i'm not sure yet whether it wasn't just hype, I mean hey, the first one was. I saw that movie about 5 times before I realized that it was really bad...and sad, that I had seen it 5 times. Of course I can't wait for Breaking Dawn, though i can't see how they are going to be able to rate it pg-13, if you catch my drift. I'm not reaaallly a Twi-hard per say, but I have my moments. I can say however, that I am psyched for the soundtrack. If there is one thing that this phenomenon gets an A++ in, it's the choice of music. Normally, people who don't listen to indie music don't get exposed to bands like Muse, Metric, and Death Cab for Cutie. But with the Twilight soundtracks, they bring in artists that even I being an indie lover, don't know. Geez if they never make another movie about one of Stephanie Meyers' books, than they better keep making these soundtracks. Soundtracks to what? you ask, well how about life, thats enough inspiration to make a billion albums, I mean helllooo everyone has a different take on life, and there are about what? 6 billion people here? a little tweaking and you could easily get loads of people to listen to them!
Now here's something that bothers me. Pretty much all of the shows I have been watching have had there season finales within the last two months or so. Thing I hate is that RogersOnDemand hasn't put up the premiere of Bones yet, I was under the impression that on that Friday, when it was said to have aired, I missed it. Yet two days after, when ROD would usually put up a new episode, they didn't. Kind of annoying if I do say so myself. Now Bones is set to return in August and I'm left staring at my computer Bones wallpaper, thinking....Dr. Sweets looks really weird in it.
Last of all, my insane ravings, is my rerun habits. See, I have this habit of watching a series from the beginning online, because I haven't seen all the episodes and I want to know the whole story, and well, I've done quite a few times. There's been Bones and Criminal Minds, I'm almost done NCIS, and working my way through Angel, but what next? Well I found out that Michael Weatherly (NCIS, Tony Dinozzo) was on Dark Angel (not related to Angel) so I'm thinking why not right? I mean I've got all summer, theoretically. I realize now, that summer's only six weeks long, it's kind of sad actually now that I think of it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love Michael Weatherly! I was so sad when Dark Angel ended! It legit sucks!!


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