Sunday, June 6, 2010


location: couch

time: 10:48am

mood: tired

Waking up early on a Sunday is not fun. Why I did I have no idea. My body just loves to torture me with early stomach aches! It's like when I wake up, if I don't get up within 10 minutes, my body thinks i'm being too lazy and sends me these stomach aches, it's annoying as hell I have to say. But now i'm up, have been for about 2 hours. I guess I can't do anything about it now.

So for an update on the blue-blocking glasses trial, I have been feeling tired earlier, and gone to bed earlier too, so thats good. Some days I forget to wear them but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Yesterday i went to bed later than usual (usual as in over the past week.) and yet I woke up early. Something is definitely happening. I still feel tired in the morning but who doesn't right? During school I do tend to get tired but that usually happens so it's nothing new, and I guess the glasses don't promise that. I'm being to lazy in the morning and I think that's what's affecting my school alertness but whatever, i'll live with it.

So I have this Science Unit Test on Monday. It's on Ecology. My Science teacher seriously just loves to torture us. As if exams and summatives aren't enough right? Well I should probably start studying, whatever, tests come and go, no use dwelling on one.

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